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Shareholders' Meeting – April 7, 2022: presentation of proposals on other items on the agenda and supplementary agenda

03/04/2022 - 11:00 AM

Additions to the meeting agenda

Shareholders who, alone or with other shareholders, represent at least 2.5% of the ordinary share capital and who upon exercise of the right, legitimize themselves in the forms established by applicable provisions of law, may ask for an integration of the proposed items. The integration of the proposed items is not permitted for matters on which the Shareholders’ Meeting is required by law to pass resolution based on Directors’ proposals or based on a plan or report other than those specified in Article 125-ter(1) of the CLF.

The request and a report explaining the reasons therefor, together with an identity document of the applicant, must be received within 10 days of publication of the call notice  (by 14 March 2022) either by post to the following address:

TIM S.p.A.

Corporate Affairs - Ref. Agenda

Via Gaetano Negri, 1

20123 MILAN - Italy,

or by email to the following address

After verifying the legitimacy of the exercise of the right, the Company shall give notice of the additions to the agenda, in the same manner as required for the publication of the call notice, by 23 March 2022.

Shareholders who wish to exercise this right are asked to contact the Corporate Affairs office of the Company beforehand at the email address in order to define all the operational details.


Reference regulation

Article 126-bis Consolidated Finance Law


Presentation of individuals proposals for resolution on agenda items

Given that this Meeting may only be attended through the Designated Representative and that no proposals may be presented during the proceedings (as clarified by Consob), with reference to this meeting, all shareholders entitled to exercise this right in the manner laid down by the applicable regulations shall be able to submit individual proposals for resolution on agenda items, by sending them before 23 March 2022 (together with a copy of an identity document), on paper to the following address:

TIM S.p.A.

Corporate Affairs - Ref. Agenda

Via Gaetano Negri, 1

20123 MILAN - Italy,

or by e-mail to

It is recommended that proposals be formulated in a clear and complete manner, preferably accompanied by a report stating the reasons for the proposal.

After checking the proposals’ relevance to the agenda, as well as their completeness and compliance with the applicable regulations, the Company shall publish all of the proposals received (and any accompanying explanatory reports) on the Company website at by 24 March 2022.