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5G Academy Post Graduate

Three projects and a digital cultural tour to conclude the fourth edition

10/19/2023 - 10:10 AM

The fourth edition of the 5G Academy, a free advanced training course promoted by TIM and Federico II University of Naples together with Nokia and the participation of Fastweb, Kineton and Opnet, ended.

After seven months of study and intensive work, 21 talented young people have become experts in Digital Transformation, by acquiring technical and management skills in the fields of 5G, augmented reality and artificial intelligence.

On 14 October, at the closing ceremony of the course, the students presented the 3 projects they developed during the year to the rector of the university, institutional representatives and managers of the partner companies.

Per TIM è intervenuto Elio Schiavo, Chief Enterprise and Innovative Solutions Officer, was there representing TIM. He reiterated the importance and value of innovation applied to places of culture and knowledge and recalled how the advanced solutions TIM Enterprise offers in this area have contributed to the creation of high-impact projects.

On the 800th anniversary of the foundation of Federico II University of Naples, the projects carried out in this edition contributed to creating a true virtual 'journey' through history, culture and innovation dedicated to the figure of Frederick II and the university.

This is how the VisionARi tour came about, an artistic digital experience inside the cloister of the university known as the Cortile delle statue, which guided event participants in the discovery of Neapolitan culture through 5G, augmented reality and artificial intelligence, accompanying them on a journey made up of stories, conversations and real interactions with the illustrious personalities represented by the statues. In particular, the two projects that contributed to the tour are:

  • hArmony: a Unity game engine application, integrated with TIM's AR Platform and installed on smartphones, which allowed people attending the event to experience augmented reality using smartglasses and advanced 5G mobile platforms. Three thematic 3D objects and a narrative audio track were produced for each statue in the courtyard, which allowed the illustrious figures in the Cortile delle statue to tell their stories by describing their lives and works.
  • ReVIVO: a project focused on the figure of Frederick II, also known as Stupor Mundi, who made the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies the moral capital of the Mediterranean. Through his hologram, created by borrowing the voice and likeness of actor Massimiliano Gallo, spectators interacted with the character and listened to his life and works as a ruler, enjoying an exciting combination of technology, art, history and literature.

The third project developed by the students is called MYFE. It responds to a different need, providing support in managing psychophysical well-being through a solution that provides personalised assistance to those undergoing university training, thanks to an emotional monitoring system and with the help of conversational artificial intelligence

The 5G Academy will also start a new postgraduate course in 2024. All the details of the fifth edition will be soon published on