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The Brazilian communications ministry and the Telecom Italia Group sign a technical cooperation agreement

The agreement was formalized today by Minister Hélio Costa and the Chairman of the Telecom Italia Group Gabriele Galateri di Genola

07/03/2009 - 02:15 PM

The Brazilian Communications Minister Hélio Costa and the Chairman of the Telecom Italia Group and TIM Participações Board Member, Gabriele Galateri di Genola, in the presence of the Italian Ambassador Michele Valensise, signed today a Technical Cooperation Agreement that has as its main objective the definition of directives, within the sphere of telecommunications, for the management of crises  caused by natural disasters (floods, earthquakes etc.).

During his visit to Italy last month, Minister Hélio Costa was able to get to know the projects which are supported by the Telecom Italia Group in this area, establishing the basis for a cooperation, with a social backdrop, on the following points:

  • investigations and verification on the best international practices in this area;
  • analysis of the latest developments in Brazil and evaluation of how international experience may be applied;
  • action proposals that will allow the maintenance of communications networks in the regions hit, avoiding the complete collapse of telecommunications services;
  • development of interface models with Civil Defence bodies in order to make viable the use of telecommunications infrastructure for the benefit of the population hit;
  • creation of a "Table for Coordinating Operations” which can manage the whole process of monitoring, preservation and rebooting of telecommunications and interface systems with Civil Defence bodies;
  • creation of a work group with the participation of representatives of the Government, of the company and all the telecommunications operators.

The analysis and the activities resulting from the Cooperation Agreement will be carried out jointly through meetings promoted by the parties. The Communications Minister will issue a summons to convene a Work Group, with the objective of working out a procedure to follow in the event of a crisis brought about by natural disaster, estimating the minimum conditions for implementation, as well as the participants and the resources necessary for execution.  

The investments necessary for the services of outsourcing, personnel, transfers, communication between organizations and other things foreseen by the Cooperation Agreement will be covered by budget, specific to participants. 

“We believe that the Telecom Italia Group's experience in the management of environmental and climatic crisis can contribute in order that the Brazilian population, in a risk situation, can benefit from telecommunications systems. This is another demonstration of Telecom Italia and TIM's commitment to the country", Gabriele Galateri di Genola said.

For Minister Hélio Costa, “this technical cooperation and the exchange of knowledge benefitting Brazil is extremely important, and underlines the relevance of telecommunications for our communities, especially those hit by disaster".

The Agreement takes effect as soon as it is published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale and will last until 31 December this year, when its results will by analyzed, with the possibility of an extension.


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