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Agreement for the protection of the information system of TI

The Postal and Communications Police, together with Telecom Italia, will develop an intervention plan for the prevention of attacks on information technology

12/21/2009 - 11:50 AM

The Chief of Police- Director General for Public Security – Officer Antonio Manganelli and CEO of Telecom Italia S.p.A. – Franco Bernabè signed today, at the Department of Public Security, an agreement for the improvement of the prevention and repression of computer crimes which damage crucial information systems belonging to the company, which is the main Italian supplier of telephone communications and electronics services and which manages the main network infrastructure for telecommunications.

Officer Oscar Fioriolli, Central Director for Traffic Police, Railways and Communications Police and for Special Branch of the State Police was present at the signing as was Domenico Vulpiani Ministerial Advisor with proxy for IT security and Antonio Apruzzese, Directory of the Postal and Communications Police Force.

The agreement between the two parties, which is for three years and follows on from that which was signed in September 2004, was drawn up under the Ministry for the Interior decree of 9 January 2008, which identified the critical national computerized infrastructure, that is those public or private structures that manage the nerve centres for the functioning of the Country through information and computer systems.

The agreement signed today has the objective of developing collaboration procedures, useful for the prevention and the repression of IT attacks from criminal or terrorist rings, against computer systems that manage the security and the regularity of the system for telecommunications, contributing to raising the efficiency of the national system in the sector.

From an operational point of view, the objective will be made effective also thanks to a dedicated connection between Telecom Italia and the operation rooms of the “Centro Nazionale Anticrimine Informatico per la Protezione delle Infrastrutture Critiche - CNAIPIC” (National Information Centre against crime for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure) of the Postal and Communications Police Force.

With the drawing up of this agreement, the central role of the State Police, and in particular the Postal and Communications Police is further re-enforced in the complex issue of the protection of critical computerised infrastructure.

Soon, the P.S Department will draw up new bilateral agreements with companies and institutional organisations which manage critical computerised infrastructures in the energy, finance, security health, environmental and defence and justice sectors.


For further information:

  • P.S. Department – External Relations Office: tel. 06-46536551
  • Telecom Italia S.p.A. Press Office - tel. 06-3688 2610


Rome, 21 December 2009