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New Telecontact Center building inaugurated today

A center of excellence

High levels of professionalism combined with a flagship working environment

06/14/2010 - 03:00 PM

The new Telecontact Center building was opened today in Naples at a ceremony attended by the President of the Campania Region Stefano Caldoro, city Mayor Rosa Iervolino Russo and Telecom Italia CEO Franco Bernabè. Also in attendance were, Chairman of the Naples Confindustria Business Confederation Giovanni Lettieri, and Mauro Nanni and Ciro Di Cecio, the company’s Chairman and CEO.

Telecontact Center is a 100%-owned Telecom Italia Group company based in Naples which runs operating centers in Catanzaro, Caltanissetta and Rome. Operational in Naples since September 2001 when it employed a staff of 120 people, in 2004 the company took over call centers in Catanzaro, Caltanissetta and Rome, and today employs around 2,500 people, all of whom are on open-ended employment contracts. The company’s main assets are its employees – around 80% of whom are women, highly educated (81% have school leavers’ certificates, 14% are university graduates), and for the most part young (average age 33) – as well as its ICT technologies.

Until 2009, Telecontact Center was wholly dedicated to customer care services for Telecom Italia consumer and business clients, answering calls from across Italy to 187 (consumer customer sales and technical helpdesk) and 191 (business customer sales assistance). Leveraging on its consolidated experience and highly qualified staff, since 2009 Telecontact has been taking on contracts from other major clients, and planning and administering customer care services through Telecom Italia Group commercial offerings to Top Clients and Government. The company has won major contracts with RAI, Aeroporti di Roma, Poste Italiane and the Italian government for its Certified E-Mail service.

Large enough to house over 550 employees, the new Naples building has been completely refurbished using the latest technologies to minimize environmental impact and offer the best possible working environment. The building is a highly successful renovation of a former well-known industrial workshop. The refurbishment has raised quality standards, with special attention to lighting, control of the microclimate and internal noise. The building has relaxation areas, and large, comfortable working areas.

The company has implemented a series of initiatives at the new Telecontact Center building, in pursuit of the Telecom Italia’s Group’s policy of fostering a good work/life balance. The building has a crèche for employees’ children (up and running since 2006 and recently renovated), and in agreement with the local public transport company, the company has arranged a free annual pass, along with a shuttle service between the offices and the city center. The Naples offices have recently completed a major professional reconversion and training programme, in which 450 employees took a total of around 130,000 hours of courses.

The Telecontact Center is a virtuous example, showing that centers of excellence can be created and operated in Southern Italy and in the call center industry, both of which are often perceived as in crisis.

Naples, 14 June 2010


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