“There’s nothing fun about being ill: you have to go through all that treatment, doctors looking you over, and your friends are far away. The days seem to drag on forever, and often there’s no one for me to play with or have fun with. The radio, on the other hand, is a ‘place’ where fun things happen, and where there are people like me. Radio can turn time spent in hospital/group homes into fun time. When I’m having fun, I forget I’m ill.” A child involved in the Radio Dynamo project.
Radio Dynamo, a web radio set up with contributions from children who suffer from chronic and serious illness, has gone live on the web at http://www.radiodynamo.it/.
The radio station was conceived by the Associazione Dynamo Camp Onlus, the first Recreational Therapy camp in Italy, which takes in children and teens, most of whom are suffering from haematological cancers and neurological diseases (http://www.dynamocamp.org/). Radio Dynamo has been set up in collaboration with Radio DeeJay, which coordinates content and musical programming, and Telecom Italia, which has supplied technological solutions that make it possible for the show to go out over the web, as well as establishing linkups to all of the Children’s Hospitals involved in the project.
Radio Dynamo puts on Recreational Therapy programmes at paediatric hospitals, day hospitals and homes where sick children and teens help to create radio shows, assisted by volunteers, professional musicians and radio presenters. The goal of the project is to consolidate the Outreach Programme and take Dynamo Camp’s programmes outside the Camp to children who are physically unable to reach the location, as well as to children who have already visited Dynamo Camp and are back at home or in hospital. Radio Dynamo offers the benefits of Recreational Therapy and gives kids an opportunity to have fun making content and listening to the show from the hospitals or group homes where they are staying, and of course, at home over the web. The radio station has been conceived as a dedicated space for young listeners, helping them be part of a project that has been put together for them; the programme of entertainment and therapy is based on the power of words and music as a means of expression and a sharing experience.
The station’s high-quality music content is oriented towards youth and high spirits. At launch, programming alternates between music and content recorded by children, which will be broadcast multiple times over the course of 24 hours. The first show, which goes out today, is a live broadcast between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. featuring a link-up with children at the Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita in Turin, and a direct hook-up with Dynamo Camp, where the first summer session is taking place for children aged between seven and twelve who are suffering from haematological cancers.
The initial broadcast also features interviews with some of the people who have helped to set up the radio station. To begin with, Enzo Manes, the founder and Chairman of the Fondazione Dynamo, which is the prime mover behind Dynamo Camp, followed by Linus, Maria Serena Porcari (Deputy Executive Chairman of the Associazione Dynamo Camp Onlus), and a selection of people who have believed in the project and worked to make it happen.
“Radio Dynamo is a project that we developed here, at the Camp, using just a pair of microphones. Its enormous potential was immediately apparent to us: words and music are hugely involving emotionally, and trigger a vast amount of enjoyment,” says Doctor Momcilo Jankovic, Director of Medical Affairs at Dynamo Camp. “The idea of taking this project into hospitals and group homes is as simple as it is revolutionary and necessary: more and more of doctors are realizing that we need to consider the quality of life of our young patients. This kind of approach can generate extraordinary results, particularly with children, in terms of peace of mind and acceptance of the need to tackle the disease and go through treatment.”
"Using music and our experience to help children who suffer from serious illness is a privilege for Radio DeeJay, which has always believed in the power of the Dynamo Camp project. What we’re doing is promoting enjoyment by creating radio shows, and fostering the pleasure of listening,” says Linus, who is the Content Manager at Radio DeeJay.
“New technologies have great inclusive power which can be highly effective for disadvantaged members of society, such as children who are required to spend long periods of time at healthcare facilities” says Carlo Fornaro, Director of External Relations at Telecom Italia. “Our involvement in this project is part of a broader partnership with Dynamo which has been going on for some time, and during which we have provided the Association with technology support and more. Towards the end of 2009, a number of company employees spent a few days at the Camp, helping its young guests. Those who took part loved the experience and found it to be deeply enriching. We have decided to come back again this summer. Radio Dynamo takes our commitment in a direction that is particularly congenial to Telecom Italia: leveraging the web to serve a most worthy social cause.”
Paediatric hospitals and group homes taking part in the project in 2010 are: Magica Cleme Onlus c/o Ospedale Pediatrico San Gerardo – ; AGAL c/o Clinica Pediatrica Fond. IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo – Pavia; Casa Oz – Turin; Casa Peter Pan – Rome; Associazione Gaslini Band Band c/o Istituto Gianna Gaslini – Genoa; AGBE c/o reparti Pediatrici del P.O Santo Spirito – Pescara; UGI c/o Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita – Turin; Reparto di Ematologia Pediatrica del Policlinico Umberto I – Rome; AGOP c/o Oncologia Pediatrica del Policlinico Gemelli – Rome; UGI c/o U.O Pediatrica Ospedale – Ivrea; Ospedale Bambin Gesù – Rome; AGEOP c/o Clinica Pediatrica Policlinico Sant’Orsola Malpighi – Bologna; Policlinico di Modena; Ospedale Santobono Pausilipon – Naples; ABIO c/o Policlinico di Bari; and the Azienda Ospedaliera Pugliese Ciaccio – Catanzaro.
We would like to thank Agency.com for designing and building the Radio Dynamo website, and TBWA/Italia for coming up with the marketing campaign.
> Media info (.pdf file)
17 June 2010