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Telecom Italia presents the “School of Industrial Relations”, a network involving stakeholders from enterprise, public sector and unions

The first conference tomorrow, “Social Scenario and Models for Industrial Relations”, to be attended among others  by Minister Maurizio Sacconi, the General Secretaries of Italy’s main Unions, and Telecom Italia’s senior management

12/13/2010 - 03:30 PM

Telecom Italia’s , a venue conceived to create a venue for ongoing social dialogue between industrial relations stakeholders from enterprise, the public sector and the unions, is opening its doors.

A panel of experts drawn from academia, the media and Telecom Italia top management will guide the choices of the School that will promote training days and workshops for company employees and managers, union representatives and industrial relations professionals. The School will provide an opportunity for exchanges of views and to discuss labour-related issues, trends in the sector and developments in and internationally.

The School is also holding a cycle of conferences to provide further opportunities for dialogue and foster a shared sensibility on industrial relations-associated issues. The first conference session, “Social Scenario and Models for Industrial Relations”, is being held tomorrow, 14 December, at the Telecom Italia Auditorium in Via Oriolo Romano 257, . Attending the conference are Minister of Labour and Social Policy Maurizio Sacconi, the National Secretary of the CISL Union Raffaele Bonanni, the National Secretary of the CGIL Union Susanna Camusso, the General Secretary of the UGL Union Giovanni Centrella, the Confederal Secretary of the UIL Union Paolo Pirani, and the Chairman and CEO of Telecom Italia, respectively Gabriele Galateri di Genola and Franco Bernabè.

Telecom Italia CEO Franco Bernabè says: “This initiative is Telecom Italia’s way of continuing to build a dialogue-inspired model among the social partners – the only one able to generate value for society as a whole. The is tangible proof of Telecom Italia’s strong belief in the path it is following with the unions, and its keenness to be a trustworthy and acknowledged player to serve as a clearing house for information and ongoing updates on the industrial relations system.


Rome, 13 December 2010


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