TIM announces that, in view of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting called for 4 May 2017 (single call), to resolve on – inter alia – the appointment of the Company’s Board of Directors, Vivendi S.A. (with a declared total shareholding of approximately 23.94% of the capital with voting rights) has filed the following slate of candidates:
- Arnaud Roy de PUYFONTAINE, born in Paris (France) on 26 April 1964
- Hervé PHILIPPE, born in Cheillé (France) on 10 August 1958
- Frédéric CREPIN, born in Levallois-Perret (France) on 25 December 1969
- Giuseppe RECCHI, born in Naples (Italy) on 20 January 1964
- Flavio CATTANEO, born in Rho (Italy) on 27 June 1963
- Félicité HERZOG, born in Boulogne-Billancourt (France) on 23 April 1968 *
- Franco BERNABÈ, born in Vipiteno (Italy) on 18 September 1948 *
- Marella MORETTI, born in Turin (Italy) on 4 November 1965 *
- Camilla ANTONINI, born in Rome (Italy) on 19 May 1966 *
- Anna JONES, born in Harrogate (United Kingdom) on 27 March 1975 *
The candidates indicated with an asterisk declare themselves independent.
In presenting the slate, the shareholder indicated the additional proposals to be resolved on relating to the renewal of the Board of Directors as follows:
- set at fifteen the number of members of the Company’s Board of Directors;
- set the term of office at three years, with expiry of the term on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting to be held for the approval of the financial statements for the year 2019;
- set at Euro 2,200,000 the total annual compensation of the Board of Directors in accordance with art. 2389, paragraph 1, of the Italian Civil Code, assuming a composition of fifteen members, to be allocated among the Directors in accordance with the resolutions to be passed by the Board;
- authorize the Directors to act notwithstanding the prohibition on competition set forth by art. 2390 of the Italian Civil Code, where applicable.
In the next few days, the detailed information and documentation required by the applicable regulations (in particular: curricula vitae and candidate declarations) will be made available to the public at the Company offices, on the TIM website at www.telecomitalia.com/agm, as well as on the website of the storage platform at www.1info.it.
Rome, 9 April 2017