TIM announces that, in view of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting called for 31 March 2021 (single call), to resolve upon, inter alia, the appointment of the Company’s Board of Statutory Auditors, Cassa depositi e prestiti S.p.A. filed today the following slate of candidates:
Section for Standing Auditor position
1. Franco Luciano TUTINO born in Siderno (RC) on 13 December 1947
2. Ines GANDINI born in Roma on 4 November 1968
Section for Alternate Auditor position
1. Stefano FIORINI born in Genova on 15 July 1969
2. Maria SARDELLI born in Potenza on 2 June 1965
The candidate listed under 1 in the section for Standing Auditor position is proposed as the Chair of the Board of Statutory Auditors according to the law.
In the days to come, detailed information and documentation required by applicable regulations will be made available as per the notice of the Shareholders’ Meeting (TIM website www.gruppotim.it/agm; storage platform website www.1info.it).
Rome, 5 March 2021