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TIM: clarification of the board of statutory auditors

11/28/2021 - 06:15 PM

The Board of Directors of TIM S.p.A. (“TIM”) met today, under the chairmanship of Salvatore Rossi, to acknowledge Mr Luigi Gubitosi’s resignation. Having accepted his resignation, the BoD passed resolution to relieve Mr Luigi Gubitosi of his position as CEO and General Manager of the Company and remove his respective powers; the Board then proceeded to reorganise the governance and reallocate said powers. Mr Luigi Gubitosi remains a member of the Board of Directors. Mr Gubitosi holds 3,957,152 shares in TIM.

On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, Chairman Salvatore Rossi expressed his heartfelt thanks for Mr Gubitosi’s work.

At the proposal of the Nomination and The Board of Statutory Auditors of TIM, in relation to some press articles published recently and which refer to alleged resolutions or decisions taken by majority only by the Board of Statutory Auditors, points out that from its appointment to date it has always taken all its resolutions and decisions unanimously.


Rome, 28 November 2021


Press Release

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