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Fondazione TIM supporting the people of Ukraine

Fondazione TIM launches a 2 million dollar donation in favour of the UN World Health Organization programme to help refugees

06/17/2022 - 11:20 AM

Providing immediate assistance to the people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine: with this objective in mind, Fondazione TIM, chaired by Salvatore Rossi and led by Giorgia Floriani, General Manager, has resolved to make a donation of two million dollars (around 1.9 million euros) to the World Health Organization (WHO) – People’s Health Movement (PHM) programme for the health of migrants and refugees. On the path that led to this decision, the discussion with Santino Severoni, Head of the Programme at the WHO offices in Geneva, was fundamental. 

The programme entails coordinating the global health response to the health emergency linked to the war in Ukraine and involves European Member States, United Nations agencies, the Red Cross and several NGO partners.  The aim is to support the healthcare systems in all neighbouring countries. In particular, actions are planned to manage the influxes of the war-affected population in order to guarantee refugees COVID-19 tests and vaccinations, as well as the most appropriate medical care.

Giorgia Floriani, General Manager and Fondazione TIM's Board member: “Fondazione TIM was quickly ready to give its support to the WHO in favour of Ukrainian refugees: a strong support to such an authoritative organisation, always on the front line in emergency health protection situations, which aims to be an immediate help and also a medium-long term aid to an already fragile reality.” 


Rome, 17 June 2022


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