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Product Placement: Telecom Italia’s Impresa Semplice ‘supports' Raul Bova in the film "Scusa ma ti voglio sposare"

02/10/2010 - 11:03 AM

From 12 February 2010, the latest film by Federico Moccia “Scusa Ma ti Voglio Sposare”, with Raoul Bova and Michela Quattrociocche, will be released in Italy’s major cinemas. Telecom Italia is a sponsor of the film with its brands TIM and ‘Impresa Semplice’ (‘Easy Business’). In the context of the Product Placement agreement, visibility will be ensured by several types of insertions. The most significant on involves the brand dedicated to the business world, an integral part of the screenplay. Thanks to Product Integration, the protagonist Alex is an advertising expert who spends most of his time working on the visual aspects of the ‘Impresa Semplice’ campaign, an important project for his career and his future. Various scenes of the are shot in Alex’s office and show the unmistakable “red arm”, the symbol of the offer dedicated to the business world by Telecom Italia.


Rome, 9 February 2010