The sixth instalment of the Digital Capital, the series of encounters organized by Telecom Italia, the Romaeuropa foundation, the town municipality and the monthly periodical Wired, will be held on Monday 5th of July, at 16.30 at the MAXXI, of 21st century art. The encounters are meant to be the basis for debate about aspects of the digital culture with international representatives of different sectors and different experiences.
Jamais Cascio, director of the Long Term Forecasting of the Palo Alto Institute for the Future, will be the guest speaker at the “Future and Sustainability” encounter. Palo Alto is a famous Californian research institute that each year produces a map which details the evolutionary scenario for the coming decades based on the suggestions made by scientists and humanists from all over the World. As part of his presentation Cascio will talk about the Map for the Next Decade 2010, which focuses on the different types of sustainability on a global scene, which leads to many interesting results, not just in terms of economics and ecology.
A discussion forum will be held after the presentation. The panel will include Gabriele Galateri di Genola, president of Telecom Italia, Umberto Croppi, councillor for political culture and communications for the Rome town council, Francesco Sacco, lecturer at the Insubria University and managing director of the Bocconi University EntEr centre, Chicco Testa, managing director of Rothschild and Giuliana Zoppis, architect and independent journalist. The discussion will be moderated by Riccardo Luna, editor of Wired Italy.
It will also be possible follow the event at the following web address
The Digital Capital series, which started in September 2009, is composed of a number of encounters with which Telecom Italia- one of the most active subjects in the promotion of innovation and the technological culture of our country- , the Romaeuropa Foundation, the Rome town council and the Wired monthly magazine intend to help the spread of the digital culture in the capitol, by gathering the leading exponents of the sector together.
The “Future and Sustainability” encounter is being organized in collaboration with the Institute for the Future and the assistance of the Sapienza University (CATTID) and the Roman provincial government.
Rome, 2nd July 2010