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Telecom Italia answers to the Repubblica's article “The business of the Shanghai Expo website"

01/28/2011 - 05:19 PM

With reference to the article appearing today in the newspaper “La Repubblica”, entitled: “The business of the Shanghai Expo website. It cost one million 300 thousand euro”, Telecom Italia wishes to make the following observations:

  • The institutional internet gateway of the Municipality of Rome (Roma Capitale) has been managed by Telecom Italia since July 2009, in the context of the national Convention for the design, creation and management of websites and the operation of systems - lot 1 of tender PR N.1/2006, regulated by the functional mechanisms and service prices by DigitPA, formerly CNIPA (Centro Nazionale per l’Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione), the body in charge of guidelines for all the branches of the civil service for the choice and acquisition of ICT services;
  • Roma Capitale has highlighted the need to provide in the gateway a technological platform suited to the management of major events, the first of which in the participation in the Shanghai Expo;
  • Considering the need to make this website operational from 1 May 2010, the opening date of the Expo, and since there were no remaining funds deriving from the above-mentioned SPC, the Administration decided to entrust Telecom Italia with the creation of the aforesaid infrastructure under economic conditions coherent with those set forth by the Convention on the national level;
  • The activities consisted in the creation and supply of the technological facilities, including: hardware, basic and operational software, services for webpage development, hosting services for the infrastructure at the Telecom Italia Datacenter in Pomezia, platform management and maintenance services, and the bandwidth necessary for providing the services via internet, on the national and international level;
  • This infrastructure was designed to enable not only the management of the major events of Roma Capitale, but also to implement and provide a variety of e-government services including, for example, mobile tourism services, which were already being provided to some members of the public.

Rome, 28 January 2011


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