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Cubomusica and TIM along with Fabri Fibra

The rapper starred in an exclusive event on Friday 22 live and online on

03/20/2013 - 11:40 AM

TIM and Cubomusica, the digital platform of Telecom Italy with millions of songs, have Fabri Fibra in a special showcase live and live streaming, which will be held Friday 22 March at 21:30 at the Capitol Club in Rome. 

The "Special Social Showcase with Fabri Fibra", the iconic rapper of the Made in Italy culture, is an innovative and experimental music format developed on direct interaction between the artist and his fans in a contemporary and multimedia way that involves the use of social networking and streaming technologies.

For the first time Fibra will present live tracks from his new album "Guerra e Pace" (War and Peace), already a gold record, and the grand finale will feature an on-stage performance of a group of 20 street dancers to close the show even more spectacularly.

The unprecedented musical event is devoted exclusively to an audience of just 500 fans "under 30" selected through the contest TIM Young and Cubomusica "Fabri Fibra Special Social Showcase" which will also give some of them the opportunity to meet the artist in person before the performance.

The showcase, presented and conducted by Albertino and Carolina Di Domenico, is characterized by two main events: one dedicated to the interaction with Fabri Fibra during which the audience in the hall and the one connected on can talk directly to the artist , asking their own questions and leaving comments in live chat; and the other will focus instead on the live performance itself.

Cubomusica of Telecom Italia places at the centre of its editorial model artists and events, giving prominence to their creative production through a series of initiatives aimed at the public. Cubomusica is therefore the ideal digital platform that provides a full music experience through many forms: listening and downloading a library with millions of songs available exclusively for TIM and Telecom Italia customers, editorial content such as news, video reports from the main national and international music events, from video interviews and live video chat with the artists of the moment to live streaming of musical events and playlists recommended by the artists themselves.

The "Special Social Showcase with Fabri Fibra" on was created in collaboration with Artmediamix. 

Rome, 20 March 2013


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