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Eight successful projects thanks TO WithYouWeDo, TIM's crowdfunding initiative

Echogreen Festival, Ecosin, IC+ [I See Plus], Il Monastero del 3° millennio, Mappina, Social Books, Reporter Students and Yellow Telephone APP are the projects that, thanks to TIM's contribution, reached their monetary objective and collected about 250,000 euros so far.

The WITHYOUWEDO free crowdfunding platform is available to organizations, associations and citizens to encourage the development, experimentation and adoption of digital tools because #ilfuturoèditutti -the future belongs to everyone

08/10/2015 - 12:30 PM

Out of the projects selected for the WithYouWeDo initiative, TIM's free online crowdfunding platform, eight have reached and surpassed their objectives, collecting a total of about 250,000 euros. This important achievement will permit the realisation of innovative ideas that can create social value for everyone. The projects are Echogreen Festival, Ecosin, IC+ [I See Plus], Il Monastero del 3° millennio, Mappina, Social Books, Reporter Students and Yellow Telephone App.

  • Echogreen Festival by the Fabbroni Foundation in Perugia pursues eco-sustainable development of lake areas through the duo of art & environment - culture & green economy;
  • Ecosin by the Morgana Production company in Rome uses digital technology to produce updated, constant and transversal information on the state of geographical areas subject to pollution and drainage;
  • IC+ [I See Plus] by the Diversabilia Foundation in Turin along with the Carlo Molo No-profit Foundation and Tactile Vision, within the scope of Torino + Cultura Accessibile project, aims to facilitate the enjoyment of Italy's artistic heritage for people with sensory deficits.
  • Il Monastero del 3° millennio by the Euro Mediterranean Biomedical Scientific Institute in Mesagne (BR) aims to transform a former Cappuccine Monastery in Mesagne into a place to access modern, digital culture, where the sharing of continuing knowledge and learning will be facilitated;
  • Mappina by the Mappina Cultural Association in Naples is building a map of the city, based on the everyday experiences of its citizens, that will be a collective narrative on the use of urban spaces;
  • Social Books by the Archilabò social cooperative in Bologna promotes the co-creation of digital and multimedia teaching materials in schools;
  • Reporter Students by UMedia in Catania works in schools to teach 12 to 18 year old students the "job" of multimedia journalist;
  • Yellow Telephone App by the Bambinisenzasbarre (Childrenwithoutbars) Association in Milan aims to guarantee the right of minors to maintain their relationships with jailed parents by helping minor children, spouses and relatives cope with the difficult world of prison visits.

Each project has won a TIM Grant (not exceeding 25% of each its monetary objective with a maximum of 10,000 euros) for a total value of over 50,000 euros.

WithYouWeDo makes available to citizens and entities of the voluntary sector or no-profit organisations an innovative, digital fundraising tool to support projects in the fields of digital culture, social innovation and environmental protection.

The initiative is part of #ilfuturoèditutti, TIM's Corporate Shared Value programme of activities based on creating shared values with the communities in which the Telecom Italia Group operates.



TIM is the single brand name of the Telecom Italia Group offering fixed and mobile telephone services, internet, digital content and cloud services.  TIM, the enabler of the most innovative information and communication technology, is accompanying Italy towards its objective of total digitalisation by creating an ultrabroadband network infrastructure and disseminating latest generation services.


Rome, 10 August 2015


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