Given the relentless and increasingly marked decline in the fax market, together with the difficulty in achieving, within an economically feasible timeframe, appreciable results in adjacent segments which might adopt ink-jet technology, Olivetti has decided to cease industrial and commercial activity in the field and has begun liquidation proceedings of its subsidiary Olivetti i-Jet .
This decision comes as part of plans begun in recent years to reposition Olivetti within the ICT market, where the company has begun to play an increasingly important role as solution provider in the more technologically advanced segments.
The evolution of the new offering will however entail a decisive shift of focus and a concentration of all available resources.
Confirming its commitment to the employees affected, Olivetti will take steps to find alternative openings within the Group, and introduce orientation and training courses to identify new job opportunities, including outplacements.
Talks on this matter have already been opened with the Trade Unions to agree on a shared plan of action.
Ivrea, 1 June 2012