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orange day 2023 TIM

TIM for Orange Day 2023

Together against violence against women.

11/25/2023 - 09:50 AM

25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a day that since 1999 the United Nations has used to raise public awareness on an issue that unfortunately continues to be deeply relevant: even today, at least one third of women have experienced violence at least once in their lifetime (source: UN).

On this day, also known internationally as Orange Day, TIM is proud to be an active participant and strong supporter of a movement that unites civil society, institutions and associations. Gender-based violence has deep roots in a society that discriminates against women instead of valuing and protecting them, which is why we believe that #ParityCannotWait. Not only today, but always.

We promote this stance by inviting our customers to take a stand and fight against gender-based violence on a daily basis, because we need everyone to play their part so that no woman is ever in danger again. And we take action to do our part.

That is why we have made TIM shops safe havens where women who are afraid of being victims of gender-based violence can turn for help. We have joined the Punti Viola scheme, a protection network currently being expanded nationwide by DonneXStrada, a non-profit association that promotes road safety and acts against gender-based violence.

We also concretely support the inclusion and development of women in the world of work; because an economically independent woman is a stronger woman who is able to prevent and combat violence. That is why we launched the Women Plus App, where we offer job opportunities, training and empowerment to all women.

We collaborate with many non-profit organisations. For example, we collaborated with Fondazione Libellula to create the Spazio Libellula in Milan, a regional listening and prevention space. Meanwhile, with Fondazione Onda we support the National Observatory on Women's and Gender Health, which once again this year enabled women who have been victims of violence to access a week of free services at the network of hospitals with the Bollino Rosa (Pink Spot) and at participating anti-violence centres.

We also act within our organisation to promote awareness and sensitivity among our thousands of colleagues and to ensure a safe and secure environment. That is why in 2021 we defined the whistleblowing procedure for incidents of gender violence, sexual harassment and bullying, and on Orange Day we are providing all our colleagues with a specific training course.

Gender-based violence affects everyone. Let’s fight it together.