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TIM e IDMO contro le fake news

Appointment with Digital Media goes back to school

TIM and IDMO's programme against fake news

10/06/2022 - 12:27 PM

Live lectures in a virtual classroom and on demand, video clips on Digital and Media Literacy topics, as well as interactive games and a sign language service (ISL). Plus tests and a certificate of participation for teachers who can be recognised on S.O.F.I.A, the MIUR platform that certifies teacher training.

This is the aim of the second cycle of Appointment with Digital Media lessons starting on 11 October, aimed at middle and high schools to teach the correct and conscious use of media.  It is a free training programme that began with its first session last March and was created by TIM for the Italian Digital Media Observatory (IDMO), with the support of researchers and experts. The course aims to lead the participants to become net citizens by developing greater awareness and critical thinking to fight against online disinformation, understand the world of media, and develop new communication skills and will enable the schools that participate most actively to receive the title of Digital & Media Educator.

Schools, teachers, and students can register now on the Media Literacy page of IDMO.

Calendar of events

The first of four live seminars is scheduled for 11 October, with Digital ABCs, an event that will help explain the importance of digital skills in today's society.

The other events are:

  • 25 October: We are all creators, to reflect on and learn about the methods, languages, and effects of content creation for the web
  • 8 November: Privacy and Copyright, to identify the critical aspects of content creation and sharing.
  • 22 NovemberInformation disorder, to learn how to critically evaluate information and recognise fake news.

All live events, and later also on demand, will be available at on the Media Literacy page.

The training programme is complemented by the activities of the TIM Data Room, the company unit that analyses data from the web and will carry out specific analyses for IDMO, with the aim of showing what happens online when untrue or distorted information is spread.

These initiatives prove TIM's commitment to spreading digital skills and the informed use of new communication tools.

The company is behind IDMO, the leading Italian observatory that supports and develops the work of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) on the impact of fake news and promoting good practices in using digital media. The responsibility of coordinating the entire hub is entrusted to the Luiss Data Lab — a research centre at Luiss Guido Carli University — and, in addition to TIM, involves important partners such as Rai, Gruppo Gedi, Tor Vergata University of Rome, NewsGuard, Pagella Politica, and T6 Ecosystem.