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Alla scoperta di Santa Croce

Santa Croce in Extended Reality

A new way of experiencing art

12/13/2023 - 07:30 PM

Inventing new ways to make the wonders of Italy known to everyone, enriching the experience of cultural visits with new, immersive and emotional content, or simply making them accessible at a distance, without the barriers of space and time.
This is our idea of art, and it is on this vision that we are building, step by step, a technological pathway that is changing not only the symbolic places of our historical and artistic heritage, but also the way we experience, care for and promote them.

An example of how we can make the most of and give new perspectives to Italy's cultural heritage is the project inaugurated in Florence in the monumental complex of Santa Croce, created by TIM Enterprise together with the Opera di Santa Croce and the Franciscan Community, with the technological collaboration of Qualcomm Technologies and Reply.

It is a Virtual Reality path, which allows the visitor to completely immerse and interact with the recreated 3D environment, as well as an Augmented Reality path, enhanced by 5G mm Wave bands and Extended Reality solutions, which allows the experience to be amplified through additional digital elements and information, such as images, videos, objects, etc.

In the coming months, these technologies will become an integral part of devices used during visits to the monumental complex of Santa Croce and will be made available to the public, who will be able to book their own immersive visit.

The initiative created in Santa Croce is one of the stages of a broader project, which aims to support innovation in the world of culture and tourism.

The first stage was the 'Live in Pompeii' event, held in 2022, and in 2024 we will continue the journey with new initiatives, all oriented towards using technology in the service of entertainment, amplifying cultural experiences, making them more engaging and exciting, and, above all, offering Italy's cultural venues a new opportunity to welcome the public in a digital, unprecedented and spectacular way.

To learn more about TIM Enterprise's technology solutions to enhance culture, tourism and entertainment, click here