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Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting - April 20, 2023

04/21/2023 - 07:15 PM

As permitted by Decree-Law No. 18 of 17 March 2020, as amended (the “Decree”), the effect of which was most recently extended by No. 198 of 29 December 2022, converted and amended into Law 24 February 2023, No. 14, without prejudice to the procedures for the prior exercise of voting rights set out below, the Shareholders’ Meeting may be attended exclusively through the representative designated by the Company pursuant to Article 135-undecies of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance or “CLF”), identified as Studio Legale Trevisan & Associati law firm in Milan (the “Designated Representative”) or its substitutes in the event it is unable to attend. In accordance with Article 106 of the Decree, the Designated Representative may also be granted proxy or sub-delegation powers pursuant to Article 135-novies of the CLF.

As per the ordinary TIM practice – the right to vote can be exercised also via mail or through the ad-hoc platform you can access on the Company’s website.   



The documents shareholders can ordinarily access at the Company’s headquarters can be asked by email to the following address