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The first slate of candidates for the renewal of the Board of Directors has been filed

04/06/2017 - 08:00 PM

TIM announces that, in view of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, called for 4 May 2017 (single call), to resolve on – inter alia – the appointment of the Company’s Board of Directors, a group of asset management companies and international investors (with a declared total shareholding of approximately 1.86% of the share capital with voting rights) has filed the following slate of candidates:

  1. Lucia CALVOSA born in Rome on 26 June 1961
  2. Francesca CORNELLI born in Milan on 19 September 1962
  3. Dario FRIGERIO, born in Monza on 24 June 1962
  4. Danilo VIVARELLI, born in La Spezia on 6 June 1964
  5. Ferruccio BORSANI, born in Locate Varesino on 30 April 1958.

All the candidates declare themselves independent.

In the next few days, once the necessary checks have been completed, the detailed information and documentation required under Art. 144-octies, subsection 1, letter b) of the Issuer Regulations (in particular: curricula vitae and candidate declarations) will be made available to the public at the Company offices, on the TIM website at, as well as on the website of the storage platform at


Rome, 6 April 2017


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