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540 nuovi alberi al Parco Aguzzano di Roma

Missione Ambiente, generations at school for sustainability

Together with La Svolta, TIM and ERG meet students to talk about environmental sustainability.

01/24/2024 - 01:15 PM

Benevento was the first city to host one of the events which are part of “Missione Ambiente - Generazioni a scuola di sostenibilità”, the TIM and ERG project that brings the debate on environmental issues into schools.

Its aim is to contribute to the dissemination of a culture of sustainability by focusing on protecting our planet through the dialogue between generations where school and company meet and exchange ideas.

The format, which will stop in 10 cities between January and May 2024, envisages specific in-depth sessions on sustainability, environmental protection and ecological transition, in which students will play an active role. For about ten hours they will be involved in a preparatory webinar, classroom training with teachers and in-person debate. Missione Ambiente is recognised by the Ministry of Education and Merit as a Path for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO) for third and fourth grade secondary school classes.

This morning, during an event moderated by Cristina Sivieri Tagliabue, curator of the initiative and founder and editor of the online newspaper La Svolta - the media partner of the project - students from the Bosco Lucarelli Institute in Benevento met Andrea Ferrazzi of TIM, former Senator of the Republic and one of the coordinators for the amendments to Articles 9 and 41 of the Constitution (extension of the protection of the landscape, environment, biodiversity of ecosystems in the interest of future generations), Permitting Specialist Alessandro De Vita and Gianluca Gramegna, Head of ESG at ERG. The project was organized by Elis, a non-profit organization that focuses on people with a strong tradition in education.