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540 new trees at the Aguzzano Park in Rome

540 new trees at the Aguzzano Park in Rome

Less CO2, more biodiversity

12/12/2023 - 03:45 PM

ICT consumes large amounts of energy and is therefore responsible for large amounts of CO2 emissions. Aware of our impact, we aim to make our infrastructure more efficient and powered by renewable energy. We recycle and reuse our waste, select our suppliers based on ESG and offer green products.

To protect the environment, we also collaborate with non-profits, such as Rete Clima, the partner we have chosen to implement our latest initiative: a new forestation project in addition to our carbon offsetting operations to contribute to urban areas and benefit the community. The expansion of green areas in metropolitan cities helps to absorb air pollutants, reduce summer heat and make spaces more usable for citizens.

In 2022, we focused on Parco Nord in Milan. This year, we chose the Aguzzano Urban Regional Park in Rome, a large park established in 1989 between Via Nomentana, Via Tiburtina and the Grande Raccordo Anulare, a green lung in the middle of densely built-up neighbourhoods.

With the 540 new trees that we planted with help from 150 TIM employees and their families and friends, we support the national Foresta Italia® Campaign of Rete Clima, Coldiretti and PEFC Italia. The initiative guarantees quality by choosing native trees and shrubs and ensures their maintenance over time. It also contributes to the protection of biodiversity, as it provides for the use of trees and shrubs, including the English oak, turkey oak, elm and poplars, together with other tree species, such as ash, cherry, and black hornbeam.

Over the average life cycle of 30 years, the new trees in Aguzzano Park will help absorb approximately 202 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of the emissions of more than 1 million km travelled by car, equal to almost 29 laps around the planet.