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Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2023

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Marcello Caleffi

Marcello Caleffi is with the DIETI Department, University of Naples Federico II, and with the National Laboratory of Multimedia Communications, National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT). From 2010 to 2011, he was with the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology and with the NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya (N3Cat) at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), as visiting researcher. Since July 2018, he held the Italian national habilitation as Full Professor in Telecommunications Engineering. His work appeared in several premier IEEE Transactions and Journals, and he received multiple awards Currently, he serves as editor/associate technical editor for IEEE Trans. on Quantum Engineering, IEEE Communications Magazine and IEEE Communications Letters. He has served as Chair, TPC Chair, and TPC Member for several premier IEEE conferences. In 2017, he has been appointed Distinguished Lecturer from the IEEE Computer Society. In 2019, he has been appointed member of the IEEE New Initiatives Committee from IEEE Board of Directors.

luglio 2020

Ha collaborato al Notiziario Tecnico con i seguenti articoli:

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